The Losglobos e-learning platform is a multi-functional learning and teaching system created to meet language schools' various needs. It has been designed as a tool for learning and teaching foreign languages, and then expanded, so that it now includes also modules enabling to conduct training courses in all possible disciplines. It can be used as an additional device supplementing traditional, stationary courses or as an independent teaching channel.
- You do not need your own server.
- You receive a ready base of teaching and learning materials.
- You give your students and teachers a modern learning and teaching tool that is also fun.

For students
- additional base of learning materials and a learning channel, which lets you learn through play and competition,
- access to knowledge at any time and any place – also by means of mobile devices,
- a new school-related community – avatars, communicator, language contests and rankings – a dynamic and interactive meeting and learning place.

For teachers
- less work – a ready base of interesting and easy to find language exercises,
- homework that corrects itself automatically,
- a possibility of adding your own materials,
- insight into students' activity and progress,
- no more photocopies and black and white exercise books,
- a channel for communication with groups of students.

For school owners
- lower costs – no need for excessive use of a photocopier, no need for exercise books,
- a broader offer thanks to a small investment,
- insight into the work of the teachers and the students' statistics,
- a system that works and remembers about the students, even when the teachers sometimes forget,
- an easy way to stay in touch with your students over the summer holiday (no need to engage the teachers).

A ready base of materials
- interesting, interactive exercises using a real language,
- easy searching,
- four languages, various levels,
- thematic language bases (General, Business English, Catering and Tourism),
- an easy way of choosing and sending exercises by the teachers – in relation to particular courses and in response to the students' needs.
Chill-out zone
- new items everyday,
- useful tips and explanations of funny language mistakes,
- cultural and language curiosities,
- a great way to start or end a lesson,
- learning through fun,
- no teachers needed.
Gamification – What is it?
It is a way to motivate through fun and competition. In this new approach to training, a student is involved in a game, collects points and competes with other users, doing activities planned by the teacher.
Collecting points and badges, and competing for the best places in the ranking turn into teaching tools. They engage students' emotions, awaking at the same time the strongest possible type of motivation – intrinsic motivation. On the Losglobos platform students and teachers play languages. They collect points and badges by solving the problems sent by the teachers and the system, logging on to the platform and going through its resources. They can also choose a different identity and follow their statistics and ranking as avatars.
- Mailbox – your school receives an additional communication channel between students and teachers
- Start page – can be used as a notice-board for students, an editable window to place content for all the students in your school!

Face2Face communicator
- video meetings and lessons
- chat
- sending and sharing files

Editor for creating exercises and courses
- an easy to use editor to create your own exercises and courses on the platform,
- many forms or exercises,
- a possibility to add audio and video files, graphics and links.
Reports and statistics
- the system controls and corrects exercises,
- access to the archive of results and reports, activities and progress statistics,
- browsing statistics according to individual students, groups, type of skills,
- generating pdf files with reports and statistics.
PLN / m
Subscription price covers:
school installation
platform updates
development of base of exercises and courses
technical support
PLN / m
Subscription price covers:
school installation
platform updates
technical support
Losglobos + I-Office
Losglobos + I-Office
PLN / m
Subscription price covers:
school + I-office installation
platforms updates
development of base of exercises and courses in Losglobos system
technical support